Online Correction of Name/Date of Birth/Gender in Provident Fund Record

Dear All


We would like to bring your attention to Circular number NDC/2017/UAN/Pt./2741 dated 21st November 2017 (as attached) wherein EPFO has provided an Online facility for correction in the Member record w.r.t Name/Date of Birth and Gender as per Aadhar records. Earlier for all these correction employee and employer has to fill up Joint declaration manually


As per the new procedure a Member has to follow the following steps


  1. Login into Member UAN Portal through his UAN and Password (
  2. Click on Manage>Modify Basis Details
  3. Provide all three details as being provided in Aadhar Card w.r.t Name/Date of Birth and Gender and the select employer from drop down you wish to approve the details
  4. Click Update details
  5. Request will be submitted to the employer for approvals
  6. Once approved by the employer than same shall be approved by Office of EPFO


Please note that System will verify the details entered with UIDAI-Aadhar Data so please ensure that correct information as per Aadhar Card is being feeded in the system